Service Information

Manufacturer is not responsible for incidental or consequential damages resulting from use of our products. This includes damages to property and personal injury. The information provided in the user manual for each product, has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate. However, if there are any inaccuracies within the user manuals, Manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from any omission or defects within the manuals.

Handle and store these products in an electrostatic safe environment. ESD could damage these products.

Manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in future product design without reservation and without notification to its users.

Exchange and Repair Policy:
Manufacturer will be happy to repair damaged products for a flat rate of NT$1,500. The NT$1,500 repair fee will not cover damage to connectors or serous problems. If the connector is in need of replacement, there will be an additional charge that varies depending on the board. We will let you know ahead of time the repair cost for your board. Manufacturer cannot guarantee repair for all boards, we will notify you if your product is unrepairable by our service department. If you have an older version of our product and wish to upgrade to the most current revision, Manufacturer will allow you to do so for a cost of only 50% of the current list price. Please call for a RMA (Return Material Authorization) number before sending any boards back for service or exchange.
Service Guide:
We recognizes the need to service the bus isolation extenders in the production environment. Therefore, we are providing you with more detailed informaiton to assist you in servicing the extenders yourself. The following text is considered proprietary and confidential to us, please limit the distribution to those with a technical need. We appreciate your cooperation in distributing this material to those within your company only.

Please select from the list of bus isolation extenders below:

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